How to use advertising photography to engage and inspire your clients?
Advertising photography is designed to promote a product, service or brand in such a way as to affect the emotions of the viewer and encourage them to take advantage of the offer. Do companies that have good photos, that care about the visual aspect of their products and services really sell more? Let’s check!
What is advertising photography?
You’ve probably come across the term more than once, and you may have even considered using such images for your business. But basically, advertising photography – what is it, exactly? It’s product images, photographs depicting services or advertising a brand, with the goal of selling. And that’s what’s crucial. Not every photo will sell. Some photographs will show what a product looks like, while others will show the benefits of buying it, provide information about it, and intrigue you. You probably already know which ones are true and effective advertising photography. Great, it’s time to explore the topic further!
Types of photographs in product photography
Advertising photography – what it is, you already know, but it is also worth distinguishing its different types, keeping in mind that the border is sometimes very fluid. However, with so many possibilities that advertising photography provides, such a division can make it much easier to specify what kind of photos your company needs.
Product photography
The most frequently used type of advertising photography. Product photography presents single products or new product lines, emphasizing their construction advantages or functionality. More and more often, it is complemented by 360° photography, thanks to which users can see the product from all sides.
Culinary photography
This is advertising photography, which must be distinguished by really good taste – after all, through the stomach to the heart, isn’t it? This is how the offer of a gastronomic place is supposed to attract customers. Culinary photography is creative and demanding. It’s the composition, the right arrangement of products and decorations that allow to create the right mood – the mood thanks to which the viewer will feel the aroma of freshly baked cake from the photo and won’t be able to resist the desire to try that winter tea with a hint of lemon, cloves and cinnamon that your cafe offers.
Image photography
Do you want to show how the work in your company looks like, how the customers are served, or maybe, what a great boss you have? Commercial photography are photos that uniquely show the nature of the business, thus encouraging cooperation or services.
Fashion photography
That is advertising photography, showing clothes in such a way that the viewer feels that he must have them, that it is thanks to them that he will express himself, emphasize his individual style. It is an advertising photograph, which evokes the reaction “this is what I’m looking for”, but also inspires and familiarizes with trends.
So how do you prepare the “perfect photo”?
There is no definite answer as to what the ideal commercial photograph should be, since different aspects apply to product, advertising, culinary or image photography. In addition, each business has its own individuality, and thus individual requirements. Nevertheless, the common feature of each ideal photograph is high quality and professional workmanship.
In advertising photography the most important thing is creativity! Here counts the ability to create an individual arrangement, in which the main character is the product. The composition should be unique enough to be remembered by the potential customer and build a bond between him and the product.
How to use advertising photography in marketing?
Advertising photography is used in both online and traditional marketing. Advertising photos are placed, among others:
- in company catalogs and brochures,
- in restaurant menus,
- in advertising leaflets,
- on the web – on company websites, Facebook, Instagram,
- on billboards.
Photographs are often combined with advertising slogans or slightly longer content. Regardless of where and how they are published, they are a way to increase sales effectiveness and foster relationships with customers. And all this in the name of the principle “we buy with our eyes”. Want to take care of your company’s online image? Write to me and I will help you achieve it!
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