10 tips to get better photos of your models for ecommerce photography
The final effect of a good photograph consists of many factors: lighting, equipment, photographer’s artistry and… the model’s pose. Properly chosen, it can emphasise beauty and grace, hide possible flaws, expose the presented outfit or promoted product and encourage customers to buy the presented products. Achieving these goals goes beyond the capabilities of classically understood portrait photography and requires mastering special skills. Learn how to get better photos of your models and products for ecommerce!
What is ecommerce photography?
Probably the biggest problem for online shoppers is not being able to see and touch products in person before buying. That’s why quality product photography for e-commerce is so important! E-commerce is a booming industry, and with it, ecommerce photography. Done correctly, e-commerce photography can be a quick and easy way to make money. Fashion photography combines art and business. It is a combination of product, portrait and even art photography.
Check out 10 tips for taking good photos for ecommerce photography projects
The essence of fashion photography is storytelling. The possibilities for storytelling are endless. The work of the most successful fashion photographers tells different stories. A well-presented story can sell even the most difficult product. How to do this?
- Always looking for inspiration
Take time to look at inspiring photos, browse websites with interesting product images and look at profiles, for example on Instagram. You need to look at photos to understand what interests you about them. This will allow you to figure out how to use interesting elements in your own way.
- Practice on your own to gain confidence
Start with simple photos where you or a friend is posing. As you gain experience with lighting and style the job will become easier. Try out different lighting and compositions to see how they look. Don’t worry about not having the right clothes right away. Just wrap the model in a curtain and experiment with items around the house. If you can make something out of nothing, you’re doing great.
- Create looks and prepare them well in advance
Work together with your stylist to create outfit combinations for better visibility of your products. Make sure they are well fitted to the model you’re shooting and prepare a shoot list so that you can work through each of the products with max efficiency.
- Unique stories are better than perfection
Many successful fashion brands do not fit into the typical image of glamour and do not follow conventions in their ecommerce photography. What matters more than perfect or fancy photos is a story that is unique and creates interest. Many brands help shape the culture because they are not trying to be fashionable.
- The models should feel comfortable
When working with models it is important to maintain a comfortable atmosphere. This is the main rule during portrait photography. When working with a new person, take some time to break the first ice and get to know them. The source of beauty of fashion photography is the authenticity of people.
- Focus on style and product quality
The quality of the clothing will show in the photos. Whether you like it or not, clothing affects the look and feel of a photo. Also pay attention to the style of the clothing. How does the clothing look on the model? Are there creases? Are there more interesting combinations of clothes to try?
- Use appropriate camera settings
Fashion photography differs from fine art and portrait photography in that it greatly limits the freedom to use focus. Ensure that presentations and subjects are clear.
- Take test shots during photo session
Check the lighting before the models arrive. Take a few test shots of yourself or another person and then make the appropriate changes. This will check that the lighting and camera settings are correct.
- Hire a hair and makeup artist
While a lot of models are capable of doing their own hair and make up, having a dedicated hair/makeup stylist on-set can be incredibly useful and improve the quality of your final image.
- Create sets
For some outfits, you may want to liven things up with some staging. Think about the environment you want your products to be presented within and get in touch with a set designer.
If you want to successfully sell products online, you need to learn how to create excellent product descriptions and photos. An online retailer, compared to a stationary shop where the consumer can see and touch the product, relies on high quality product photography. Write to me, let’s schedule a photo session and start selling your products!
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